
Showing posts from December, 2017

In Memoriam Ulrich Milde - 1948 - 2017

Once again, I'm finding myself staring at a blank page, desperately looking to put the unspeakable into words. It is now almost one month since it happened. One month since my phone calls home to Speyer went unanswered. One month since my world collapsed. Every day since then has felt surreal, and I still find myself waking up in the morning unable to grasp the enormity of what happened, hoping that it was just a dream, a nightmare. However, it is bitter reality. Ulrich Milde, my dad, Uli to his friends, passed away in the evening hours of November 8th, 2017, a date that I will always remember. He simply fell asleep in the late afternoon, at a time when he felt content and happy for the first time since my mom passed away back at the end of June 2017. The sense of humour my dad and I shared was always a bit "special" ;) Looking back at the little over 30 years I spent together with both of them, it is only now becoming apparent just how big of an influence my dad